Baby Toys

I know this is silly, but how do I stop feeling jelous of my baby brother?

I’m 16 years old. my mom remarried 3 years ago, and now they have a new son that was jsut born this week. his name is david

i was born in germany, after my mom excaped the USSR. my blood dad left her after telling her “get rid of the kid, or im leaving you”. anyways, growing up, we never had much money. we lived in a terrible neighborhood, and i never had many toys. only once did i start living in a safer aparement did we have some little money to spare. but then three years ago, my mom married and there is plenty of money.

however, when my new baby brother was born, i could not help but feeling jealous. he’ll be able to get the best care in the wolrd (back in germany, it toko then years to figure out taht i had allergies), he will be taken care of by both a mom and a dad, he’ll get all the toys he wants and his parents cant say, “i’m so sorry, i wish we could buy you that, but we cannot afford it, we are trying to pay off our heating depts”

nor will he have to switch school seven times in his life. nor will he have to say goodbye to seventy friends in just a couple of years because they will move.

i wish i was him. i’m so jealous

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I know this is silly, but how do I stop feeling jelous of my baby brother?unrateddestiny2010-09-02 05:44:13

I’m 16 years old. my mom remarried 3 years ago, and now they have a new son that was jsut born this week. his name is david

i was born in germany…

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7 replies on “I know this is silly, but how do I stop feeling jelous of my baby brother?”

It’s understandable to be a little jelous I suppose, but you know what? That’s your little brother, and you know that you want him to have nice things and so forth. This feeling you have will pass, and your going to get all protective about him. Try and see things from a positive view. In stead of seeing the things you didn’t have before- you too have them now. And I’m sure they love you equally.

Don’t worry.
You can always hate him as he grows up and tell him not to call you his sister.

its perfectly natural…. don’t worry!

you have seen so much misery, make a vow when you grow up to be a responsible adult to make sure you will be there for your kid, unlike your dad, or do something for the community.

Don’t repent over the history of your and your mother . Your mother also suffered a lot, now she is better off with her second husband.
It is God who give the fate , you had hard life to live but you need to forget your old days . You are getting matured now , take every thing easy and be peaceful in your mind. Every body take birth with different fate in this world.

Okay Sweetheart, calm down first of all. Take a breath and step back and look at the situation for what it is. You know how rough it was for you growing up. But you are now being taken care of for your present age. Be happy that your baby brother will have the things he needs and that you never had so he can come into the world in a positive way. There’s no need to feel jealous of him he’s a baby. That’s the way it should be for babies. Be happy for him that he doesn’t have to grow up without toys and the quality supplies required for his quality care. What matters is that you made it through those rough years and you can share that with him so he knows when he grows up how to better raise his children. Not sure if you believe in God but you were coming through a different era when things were harder for your mother and she was coming from some bad times. She’s worked hard and made decisions to better her family and that is why you now have enough money for the things you need also. Be happy that you’re not still struggling so much and with a baby brother that struggle would be worse than it was when it was just you as a chid. Do you see my point? Be supportive of your baby brother, love him unconditionally and let the past go. You are here now and able to afford the things you need now. Help your mother with the baby and teach him to be strong. Don’t hold these things against him. God must have seen how hard it would have been for you and your mother if she did not marry this guy and had a baby some other way. What would you all be doing then. You’re being blessed. Enjoy it. You have money, things you need to survive, live in a better place and a new baby brother. I wish I could have a baby period but I can’t. I have four brothers and one just bought a half million dollar home for $240,000 I’m not jealous. I wish I could have my dream home but I don’t. I love my brother more than ever and he invites me to live with him but I never will do that because that is his family and home. I’m just happy for them that all his hard work finally paid off. Sweetie, it really is a good thing your baby brother is going to have to struggle so much it’s a good thing. It really is. You can show him the ropes in life and help him along and be the big loving supportive sister that he needs by his side. People today have it much easier than I did growing up and you’re one of those people. We never had computers in our school and I’m 44yrs old. But that’s ok, I’m happy you all get a better education than we did. It’s called progress honey. It will be okay. Just love your brother like the best big sister you can be. I never had a lot of toys growing up in the 70’s and there were 7 kids in the house. I suppose it’s natural to be a little jealous but you can turn it around into a positive thing and be the best big sister this baby brother can have. You’re okay, you made it through and now you can love your baby brother and be happy for him that he won’t have to struggle in life. Let him be happy it’s a wonderful blessing for him, your mother and you. It really is. It will be okay. Best wishes feel free to email me if you like okay. I’m here for you anytime.

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