Baby Toys

can she stop me from seeing his baby?

my boyfriend’s baby’s momma is not too thrilled with me simply for the fact that i’m dating her ex and she wants him back. she’s been going out of her way to cause drama and trying her hardest to tear us apart because she wants him back. i’ve heard that she can serve me with papers saying that i can’t have overnights with him, or see/touch the baby, even limiting me to being around her. well me and my bf live together so it’s going to be a hard situation. i’ve only got the best interests of the child in mind, i mean i’ve decorated her bedroom—bought her new clothes, toys, etc… i would never intend to try and play the “mom role”. and i’ve never been rude/ugly with the mother. she’s the on who’s been posting blogs about me and spreading rumors/gossip. i’ve been printing and keeping a file of these incidents just in case we do have a problem. can she really deny me from seeing the baby/spending time with her and my bf?

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can she stop me from seeing his baby?unrateddestiny2010-08-28 05:43:41

my boyfriend’s baby’s momma is not too thrilled with me simply for the fact that i’m dating her ex and she wants him back. she’s been going out of…

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14 replies on “can she stop me from seeing his baby?”

you will have drama until the child is 18 yrs old. if you are a strong enough person to hang in there, then good luck to you. i believe the mom can request that of the courts. i have seen it happen here in north carolina.

As long as your bf is not putting the baby in harms way she cannot do anything to keep you from being around the child . There is no law that says that so rest easy .

Sounds like to me you’re going to have a lot to deal with . I hope he’s worth it .

Lord, why do people get themselves involved in such drama? Trust me, there’s nothing the other woman can do to prevent her ex from seeing his baby… unless he was somehow abusive to the mother. If that is the case, then pack your bags and get away from him.

without just cause no she can not…what a mess, I feel bad when situations go like this and the poor child will only feel the brunt of it even being so young.

That woman needs to let go, for the sake of having a good relationship with her child and shouldn’t deny it with the dad either.

She can do a lot to protect her child from your influence.
Why don’t you just butt out and stop with your own little drama and printouts and find a man who is truly single and available.
You’re as guilty as she is if you keep yourself in the thick of it all…. unless he happens to be the last man on earth

Well……. coming from a mother’s point of view, she can do whatever she wants. Yes, its not right that she’s just doing it for revenge and the she’s trying to tear you two apart. But she could also be looking out for the well being of her child.

I told my ex NEVER to bring our child around his girlfriends, just for the well being of my daughter. I don’t bring my BF around her because “IF” in case the two of you don’t work out, the child doesn’t wonder where they went. I don’t know if I’m making any sense but if you’re a mother then you would understand. Kids need stability in their lives. To bring people in and out of their lives is hard because they can get REALLY attached to people. Its bad enough that they don’t have both parents together, having to constantly meet significant others on both parents parts is just wrong.

But in the case that maybe they do decide that they want to live the rest of their lives together, and want to get married it will be ok then to start introducing my kid to them.

She can try. However, keep a very thorough documentation of what’s been going on and bring that to court with you. Also, when my (then) fiance’s ex-wife tried to even mention me in court, the judge told her I had nothing to do with anything and that (and I quote!) “you need to grow up, little girl”. Very serious. He didn’t want to hear it–so hopefully it will come to that for you as well.

I have the same problem, but with older kids. The kids know what is going on and they see who is the one making the mistakes. As for you, if she is trying to keep you away from her baby, she can. You have no relation to the child. As for your bf. She can make his life hell. There is a legal way to be with the child no questions, is to get married to your bf. I forgot I’m in Indiana and where ever you are you need to look up parenting guidelines for your state. If all else fails, tell your bf to get a lawyer to take custody.
As the child gets older he or she will be confused and might end up in counseling because of the drama the mother has caused.
As for you. If you plan to be with this guy long term, it is ok to take on the mom role when you and your bf have the child. And later in life that child will come to you for advice and as a mentor.
If this is not for you get out of the relationship now. It gets worse and unless you are prepared and able to handle all this drama, it might be time to find a guy with out kids or drama.

Yes she can keep you from the child. how would you feel if you were in this situation? why would you fight to see the child if your not playing the mom role. just go with what she wants with her child leave while the kid is there if you really love your b/f and want the best for the child stay away from her, don’t go against her mom’s wishes. eventually the mom “might”chill out a little and will accept you being around, but right now you are the enemy.

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