Baby Toys

I don’t Bring the baby to her Dad’s every day, I Fight with Him constantly and He drinks daily Am I wrong?

I do not bring my the baby to her fathers house every day. We fight constantly, which involves yelling, and he has thrown things. He drinks almost everyday even if he is not drunk. He spends all his money on beer or cigarettes. He will go and buy beer before he buys her anything. He has spent $40 on diapers and bought her a walker and some a few small toys for his house only. She is 8 months old. Him and his parents smoke heavily in the house, so the house smells like smoke. They will smoke with the door closed or out the window when the baby is around and I say I can smell it the baby should not be around it and they tell me I am wrong all the smoke stays in the other room or goes outside. I know she is exposed because she smells like smoke and her things. 5 days after I had the baby he threw his cell phone directly at my back at the top of his stairs with the baby carrier in my hands and I almost fell down. He put his arms around my neck because I wanted to go home with the baby. His parentstook my phone from me and blocked me from the baby and would not let me get to her. I tried to get to the baby through his mom I was scared they threatened to call the cops and tell them I put my hands on her if I left or called on them. I have been through so much that I have no love for him or his family anymore. I try to leave him but I keep bringing the baby over here and there so it does not go to court. But I do not feel safe, they say no one will believe me and since I do have a felony on my record they will get custody. He cannot take care of the baby hes drinking, taking vicodin and him and his mother smoke marijuana. I used to party and I turned my life around. They tell me I am wrong when I do not bring the baby around, that I punish the baby from their love, that I do it for my own satisfaction because I am selfish and immature. They feel that the baby is safe around this environment and there baby boy does nothing wrong. It is always my fault. None of his family came to my baby shower, she did not get anything from them until christmas. They would go to court and say they would take care of the baby when they won’t. she is a high needs baby she just wants to be held and walked to sleep. They tell me I spoil her and tell me I do things wrong, they would just let her cry. I want them to be a part of her life but I do not feel she is safe with them alone, and I do not want to be around them. They are not good people. Please I need help I do not know what to do.

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I don’t Bring the baby to her Dad’s every day, I Fight with Him constantly and He drinks daily Am I wrong?unrateddestiny2010-08-21 13:44:59

I do not bring my the baby to her fathers house every day. We fight constantly, which involves yelling, and he has thrown things. He drinks almost…

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3 replies on “I don’t Bring the baby to her Dad’s every day, I Fight with Him constantly and He drinks daily Am I wrong?”

i should bring your baby to you away from his family

the baby needs a mother(YOU) not his family

so go to court and tell judge that the baby didn’t like his family

the baby needs a mother (the one who give birth…)

no you are not wrong

just tell them to leave you and the baby alone

tel his mom to LAY OFF the baby

Why don’t you call the Legal Aid Society and see if you can get some legal help. You need to try to get custody. Try to get some free legal aid where you live and tell your lawyer the truth about everything. Ask his opinion.

Good luck.

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