Baby Toys

Would it be wrong to give two baby kittens as a Wedding Gift?

My best friend adores them and always wanted a pair. Its all she talks about lately and her wedding is next week. If I get her everything from the litter pan, food, toys, pay for all the vet bills for the first six months…Do you think it will be fine? They are not going on a honeymood right away? I want to give her something that will make her cry!

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Would it be wrong to give two baby kittens as a Wedding Gift?unrateddestiny2010-07-28 21:50:06

My best friend adores them and always wanted a pair. Its all she talks about lately and her wedding is next week. If I get her everything from the…

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12 replies on “Would it be wrong to give two baby kittens as a Wedding Gift?”

If you’re *absolutely sure* she wants them and will look after them (and the groom wants them too) then it would be a very nice gesture. Otherwise, you could be asking for trouble. Maybe you can arrange to have their shots and spay/neuter pre-paid with the local vet too.

You know your best friend best although have you taken into account that its not just going to be her anymore, how does her fiancee feel about cats? Remember pets are a very important decision and you need to make sure she has the space and time and desire to take them on but like i said u know her better then we do so in the end go with what u think is best.

This is a good idea, just make sure you do it right, so that if something goes wrong they don’t end up as unwanted pets.

I would get a picture of 2 kittens, and some toys, and put it in a box. Then when she opens it, tell her you want to buy her 2 kittens as a gift, but want to wait until they come back from the honeymoon (or a few weeks later if they are not going straight away). This way it gives her the chance to back out if she wants to…but I dont think she will!

This will also give you the chance to find out what type of cats she likes, what colour, male and female etc. She probably has an idea of what she wants now, but because it is only a ‘dream’ she may not have thought of the practicality of having one type of cat verses another, males vs females etc.
If you give her the box with the promise, this will make it real, and allow her and the hubby to sit down and discuss what breeds they like, what sex, what colours etc. Then afterwards go out and buy the kittens, this way you are absolutely sure this is what she wants (and she gets also say which is important when getting a pet)

And yes, by the sounds of it, I think this will make her cry! Even if its just a box with a promise, it is a beautiful gesture, and would bring tears to my eyes if it were me.

My belief is you should never give animals as gifts.
If the people seriously want a pet they should get it themselves when they are ready.
There are so many pets given at christmas or easter time every year that end up getting neglected (not saying your mates will do that but really it should be up to them if they want to buy a pet or not)

When I first read the question my first thought was no way. but If your sure she wants them I think that she will just love them. Its very nice of you to pay for the vet bills to.

I’d suggest that you talk to your friend and/or her future husband. Cats …well pets in general are living, breathing beings that need a lot of attention and care. It’s a lot of responsibility.

My parents LOVE cats and dogs. They adore my 8yr old poodle (we both lived with them for a bit), and they take him on weekends, to the vets/groomers/etc when I can’t go. They love their furry grandchild. When my dad comes over he sometimes says … Ok Beau lets go for a ride… I’m taking Beau you can pick him up later… or my mom does it. Sometimes my fiance and I are like flabergasted since … well hello… we want to spend time with him too. I spoke to my dad about getting a poodle for my mom’s birthday last year. I’m still in contact with the breeder who raised Beau and could get another from the same “genetic line”…. My dad was like HELL no… my mom said the same thing.

They both ADORE and LOVE Beau and want him to visit a lot.. he sleeps with them just like he does with us. However, they don’t want the 24/7 commitment. They want to be able to travel, etc. They Pooch-sit for us a lot. When I worked long hours they’d pick him up for “day care” with them… so it’s not an issue of “loving or wanting” a pet but really of 1) do I have time for it 2) Am I willing to devote the next 12+ years to taking care of these pets?? what about sickness?? etc… I’d suggest you ask her.

ANY REPUTABLE breeder and adoption agency WILL NEVER allow someone to “purchase” a pet for another person. When we got Beau from the breeders I was living abroad… however, before she even considered us I had to call her and she interviewed me and grilled me for like an hour…. my parents also assured her that they were willing to take care of him to. It wasn’t like I was an irresponsible kid either — I was 27 and they were getting Beau for me as a graduation gift (graduation from Grad school)…

I would definately check it with her husband-to-be first, because he’s gotta want it too. Then it will still be a surprise for her, and still make her cry! Make sure you get some photos of it!

Def not a good idea. Although she may say that she wants kittens, she may not necessarily be talking about getting one right away. They might have plans for travel or be renting a place that does not allow pets or some other reason that has stopped her from going ahead and getting the kittens. If she really wanted them and her circumstances allowed it, she would have gotten the kittens already by now.

I love puppies and tell my friends that I would like one but in reality I know that I don’t want to have that commitment at this stage in my life for the next decade.

You know their plans for the next 6 months- but what about the next 12 years?

Her fiance’s feelings are also important- does he want 2 cats?

If you really want to stick with this idea I would check with both your friend and her fiance first- find out if he wants the cats and if your friend can actually take care of the cats in her circumstances. Although it will not be a surprise, at least you will know that the cats are wanted (and be able to find out if there are particular breeds that they would prefer).

you say your best friend adores them.. well what about her fiance? maybe he doesn’t want them.

its a REALLY sweet thought and I think its adorable BUT they may not be quite ready for pets yet. Also, if they rent, many landlords either dont allow pets or make them pay a monthy pet rent. If you really want to get her kittens, ask her first and maybe have her come with you to pick them out, or something. Kittens are a BIG responsibility and they are very expensive. You have to get them all of thier shots and everything, which adds up. make sure she is ready for kittens before you buy them!

I think it would be sweet. Double check that her fiance doesn’t have allergies to cats and see if you can hint towards it to see if she is ready to take care of cats. Cats love to leave hair all over the place and they may not want to deal with that cleaning right now. But it would be a very sweet gift and I think it’s a very creative and sweet idea. But see if you can find out first, even from her mother if she might know. Good luck.

I would double check with her future husband….I think it’s a cute idea but pets don’t usually make very good gifts, it’s statistically proven that most pets adopted as a gift usually end up right back in shelters.

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