Baby Toys

I don’t know what to fell down the

Ok so here’s the problem..I was babysitting these 2 kids in our town (8 month old and 4 year old) and I was going to give them a bath and I had the babys pj’s out on her dresser downstairs..I thought I could run down there fast and just grab them quickly and go back upstairs. The 8 month old was in a walker and the 4 year old was sitting by the steps (I told him sit there and make sure his sister didnt fall down the stairs..she was in a diff part of the house at that time..I was downstairs 10 seconds and I heard a bang so I ran over to the atairs and she had fallen down about 3 or 4 steps..nothing serious and she had a bruise on her face. It didnt show lots and she stopped crying rite away. I didnt tell her mom because I was too scared. I told her that she fell over on the floor playing with her toys. She later called me and said her son kept saying “baby fell down stairs mom” (he has a speech problem and can’t talk hardly) and she was mad. She told me I should have told her…NOTDONE
I was scared to tell her tho because I thought she’d never let me babysit again..I have babysat alot of kids and this has never happened before because i’m a good babysitter and I just made a dumb mistake..what can I do? Im feeling so down right now..and to make it worse I already have low self esteam..Am I a bad babysitter..I love that baby to death..
ive been babysitting for her for 3 years..nothing like this has ever happened,,she said she was taking her to the hospital

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I don’t know what to fell down the 21:47:06

Ok so here’s the problem..I was babysitting these 2 kids in our town (8 month old and 4 year old) and I was going to give them a bath and I had th…

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14 replies on “I don’t know what to fell down the”

Sorry too long to read my advise would be common sence take it to the Hospital as soon as posoble and have them determine how the baby is.

Every body makes mistakes, its just the way things are. The only really bad thing you did was lying about what happened. The truth in situation’s like this is always best. She would have been upset that the baby fell, but its something that could have happened even if your were there, children sometimes fall, its unavoidable. You should explain to her why you lied and apologies profusely. You aren’t a bad babysitter, you messed up and you know that. You just need to make sure that you learn from this mistake.

You should have told the truth right from the beginning. In addition, walkers are extremely dangerous – especially around stairs, so in the future – don’t use them. Four year olds are not capable of watching an 8 month old.

The best thing you can do now is to take this as a lesson in life. Fess up. This family won’t trust you again due to your lies. But – you can move forward and resolve to make some changes with yourself.

tell her exactly what you put here. You made yourself less trustworthy by lying about it. The fact you had a 4 year old “watch” the baby near the stairs would honestly make me discontinue you as sitter to be quite frank.

The baby could be seriously hurt. There can be damage done you can not see at all.

have you taken a babysitters course?..If need to right away…and take a CPR course .

I’m sorry if this seems harsh, and not what your looking for..sympathany…but I think what you did was more than just a bad mistake.

First off, never ask a four year old to do your job. Secondly, apologize to the childs mother and tell her that you were afraid to tell her the truth because you thought she might react the way that she did…running to take the baby to the hospital.

Tell her that you did not mean for the baby to get hurt, but sometimes, shiit happens. How old are you anyway? If you are younger than 18, then she gets what she pays for. I’m not saying you are a bad baysitter, I’m saying she is expecting too much because I’m sure she doesn’t pay you that well. It’s a trust issue too. She was more upset that you lied to her, so apologize and move on. Learn from it.

Mistakes happen but you have to be very careful when sitting for babies. Just so you know if she is taking the baby to the hospital if there is anything wrong with the baby because of the fall you can be held liable in the eyes of the law and will be held accountable for your neglect. You can be held criminally liable, if that happens you need to be completely honest about your acts, lying about it will only make it worse.

It sounds like this was an accident, but it was serious. I think you can understand how that the mom would be upset. Please try and be truthful no matter what, okay. Take some deep breathes and try and relax. Try and talk it over with your Mom and/or some other adults you trust. I think that’s a good way to not feel too guilty about it. You might want to call the mom you babysat for and tell her you’re really sorry and ask how the baby is doing after being to the hospital. Maybe go by her house and see her. If she forgives you, you’ll feel better too.

It takes ONLY one second for a child to fall. Yes, you have broken the trust with this mother and she will most likely not have you babysit again. You can not let the baby out of your sight for one moment. The mother needs to take the baby to be checked by a Doctor, you should have called her immediately and told her what you described here. NO WALKERS SHOULD EVER BE LEFT NEAR STAIRS. They even say that on stickers placed on the walkers these days. You sound young and inexperienced and believe me worse has happened to moms, let alone babysitters. What you did by lying and not telling the mother (the baby will most likely recover from this incident without much more than a bad bruise) is to damage your reputation irreparably. That takes years to repair.

If you had told the truth to begin with, there probably would be no issue, but now, your integrity is in doubt, and word of mouth gets around faster than a brush fire in dry tinder. That mother is going to believe the 4 year old whether your older or not………. I think you better look for a different line of work, if I were talking to this mother and she casually mentioned this incident…….. no way I’d call you……….

ok well im a liscensed baby sitter taught by red cross (mom works there) ne way
never ever take ure eyes off the child IF the child was breathing call 911 then call the parents and tell them what happend

dont worry things will look up and dont be so down mistakes happen its ure job to learn from them

we if you are a babysitter you need to be responsible.and lying is not doing was a bad judgement to leave the babies.they get in to things should always tell the truth because it wil always find its way sure you are a good baby sitter.people make mistakes but really pay attention to whats going on around you

Don’t worry about it… Once she returns from the hospital & sees that the baby is okay, she will allow you to babysit again. Just learn from this mistake & never (not even for a second) leave the baby in a 4 yr olds care. Just a lesson learned. If you really feel that bad about it, just let the mom know that you were afraid to tell her, because you didn’t want to disappoint her. Let her know that if you truly thought it was a serious fall, you would have mentioned it to her. Let her know that you just didn’t want to upset her & that she can still trust you (even more so now). It’ll be okay!!! Good Luck to you.

Well, the fact that you were unable to be honest with her is a bad thing on your part, it’s done and over with but the bad thing is, I would warn your parent’s about this because she can sue them now for damages to their daughter. Not trying to scare you though sorry.

It’s good that you think your a good babysitter but hun, a 4 year old watching a baby? I don’t think so, he’s a baby himself. Bad idea..

What would have been so hard as to taking the baby downstairs with you for ten seconds and this never would have happened?

Maybe they could also think of getting a baby gate so this doesnt happen again even if your not babysitting.

I would write down EVERYTHING that happened just incase you have to go to court to testify about it. SInce the baby got a bruise careful what you say to moms.

You screwed up. You should have told the mom. If you’re babysitting a kid that is old enough to talk, there will be no secrets. If the mom is smart, she will find another babysitter.

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