Baby Toys

It’s 3:30 in the morning and my 8 month old baby does NOT want to sleep…any advice?

since 12:30 am we have done: bath, 2 bottles, 2 diaper changes, songs, books, toys, walker, now we are on Sesame St on demand on tv. I dont like to go to tv, but the kid is wound, and even clapping at Elmo. Looking for any ideas.

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It’s 3:30 in the morning and my 8 month old baby does NOT want to sleep…any advice?unrateddestiny2010-10-03 21:48:46

since 12:30 am we have done: bath, 2 bottles, 2 diaper changes, songs, books, toys, walker, now we are on Sesame St on demand on tv. I dont like…

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12 replies on “It’s 3:30 in the morning and my 8 month old baby does NOT want to sleep…any advice?”

Gee, of course he doesnt want to sleep, songs books, toys,walker and Elmo,why would he want to sleep when its activity time? Sit in a chair holding him until he nods off to sleep, then put him back in his cot, and leave him in it.

Three words. Ben. Uh. Drill.
Nah, just kidding. Do you know the Ray Lamontagne song “Can I Stay” on acoustic guitar? If so, play that to her, and softly sing, “can I with you…through the nighttime….I’ve fallen sad inside, and I need a place to hide..” If, by some tragic consequence of inaudibility, you have NOT heard of this song, nor Ray Lamontagne, then find it, learn it, play it.

Keep the baby up as much as you can during the day so that it will be tired at night. A few days without a nap and you will be able to get him/her on a regular schedule. Also try giving the baby some cereal in the evening bottle (right before the bedtime you desire). This will help the baby be full enough to sleep thru the night. My cuzin has this sme problem. She rocks the baby all the time and he will only sleep if she holds him. Make sure the baby is clean, fed and happy and then put them in the crib and leave the room. Let the baby learn to put itself to sleep. You will have a few ruff nights until the little one gets the point, but you will be much happier in the long run. It works. It worked for my lil sister and my two girls. And you will have more time at night for yourself and your child will be on a schedule and able to put themself to sleep.

I loved the way you put up the details of what all u have done up to now thruout..and ihope he goes to sleep soon. I guess u must be tired to ur bones….God shall bless u with all happiness, health and prosperity for taking care of His little angel.

You’re keeping this child stimulated with all of this activity…. Why would he/she need two bottles in 3 hours?

My advice to you is to only have night lights on in your home…keep it quiet or turn on a sound conditioner that has a soothing, calming sound.. (lightly running creek sound, etc.) and rock in a rocking chair or rub his/her back…etc…
Do quiet, soothing things with very low lighting…
One warm bottle is plenty in 3 hours…. You could quietly offer warm snack..(food) but bottles are not a means to fill the child to sleep….

my sons did this for a couple of months at around that same age. they just got curious thru the night. try not to let your baby take lengthy naps in the afternoon. wake him/her up…though i know you dont want to, you may have to so you can get some sleep yourself. You might also try some tylenol or teething tablets. new teeth coming in will awaken babies that age. weak, room temp. chamomille tea instead of milk/formula in the wee hours. you might try testing a lighter meal before bedtime so he/she doesnt wake up when your baby soils his/her diaper. doing the whole shebang of things at this late hour is not a good idea. try snuggling and petting your baby’s tummy or temple and keep the lights off and all quiet. I also used to use a nature sounds on a timer. good luck. peace

Yes…hire a babysitter to spend the night with the kid, and go sleep in a motel.
If you really like your own bed…put kid and babysitter in the motel.

Have you given the kid tylenol, ice, and maybe mylicon?
One of the three will settle your little bundle down real quick. Just got to pick the right one.

Try putting him in the cot and he will fallasleep by himself.Have a soothing tape on.Sommetimes you have to be firm.

Lay him on his stomach and pat his back lightly. Keep doing that and he will fall asleep it worked for my son every time I did it to him.

Way too much activity for the middle of the night. LOL No wonder he won’t go back to sleep; I wouldn’t either. 🙂 Get a dim night light, a rocker and some soothing music. Make sure when he’s looking at you your eyes are closed. He’ll get bored soon enough. No Playing 🙂

lol if you keep on having him awake with all of those midnight activities then no wonder why he is awake…
what you need to do is set up an schedule for him, when it´s bed time just stay in his room, lights off, sounds off or maybe some classical music in the background very slow, give him a warm bottle and rock him until he falls asleep. Kids don´t need any stimulation at that time of the day, they need to be drawn to sleep. Always make sure that before you put him to bed his diaper is really clean and that he pooped.. sometimes kids won´t go to sleep until they pooped.

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