Baby Toys

Why does a woman get so upset over something so trivial, just because I made her get rid of the baby

toys that the kids have outgrown. Why keep it cluttering up the den when we can just sell the stuff on Ebay?

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Why does a woman get so upset over something so trivial, just because I made her get rid of the babyunrateddestiny2010-10-03 05:43:47

toys that the kids have outgrown. Why keep it cluttering up the den when we can just sell the stuff on Ebay?

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8 replies on “Why does a woman get so upset over something so trivial, just because I made her get rid of the baby”

You know how mothers are! They will keep any thing that is going to remind them of when their kids were smaller.

Why are you following the same “misleading” opening statement pattern that so many before you have already initiated???

Come up with something new…

are the kids still using them,maybe she thinks they are,but if there sitting there gathering dust for sure get e’m outta there

Us women are so sentimental sometimes! Your’e right though…and you wife will agree………………………one day…maybe not now. My kids are 13, 8 and 6….only now am I seeing the true vision and asking myself…why oh why did I hang onto this???? Explain to your wife that you want an organised home..and its less stressful to live in an organised environment etc… that you want to teach the children to be tidy..its a good life skill. Kids enjoy their toys much more when they have less visual choices…decluttering is a fabulous also teaches the kids not to be pack rats..and teaches them that other people can use things and its a good idea to recycle..pass things along…donate, sell…whatever. Regardign the women thing….its just our way…of hanging onto our babies longer….. she’s not trying to upset you…its our natural instinct as we see our children growing up so fast. Men look at things so differently. Tell her you can use the $$$$ to buy things for the family that you really need. Good luck!!

Women carry a baby for 9 mos and become very attached to this being,so what you may find trivial,has meaning to her! Parting with your baby”s things means their growing up and not a baby anymore and this can hurt! Tell her to keep a few things that have sentimental value and get rid of the rest,she will grow out of it as the baby grows up! But always remember, even when the child is 40 he or she will always be her baby!

My little girl will turn 3 at the end of October and I still have ever single piece of clothing and toy that was ever bought for her! The thought of getting rid of it used to bother me but now I want my house back! *L* I’ll keep the clothes for awhile longer but the toys have to go!! Especially with her birthday and Christmas coming!

Hmm.. my practical side agrees with what you are saying about the clutter at home.. but as a woman i am also sentimental and emotionally became very attached to the baby paraphernalia that i had collected for years till it became too much to manage. Then i decided to just keep somethings and give away the rest. trust me it was one of hardest thing to do. Now i have few but very well preserved mementos and it gives me a lot of pleasure to just go through them every now n then.

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