Baby Toys

You got in trouble for things that are not even your fault. What should you do?

You are 17 and your sister is 13. Almost everyday you play card games and baby toys with her. You play with her not because you want to but because she told you to, cries if you don’t, you don’t want her to get upset & you want her to be happy. You listen to her. The problem is that she doesn’t understand that you don’t like her games and that the games are too old for you. Your parents scolded at you everynight & say “you are too old to play baby games with your sister. You should act mature & do things that people your age do. If she plays, it doesn’t mean you have to play.” Your parents don’t understand that you play not because you are immature but because she told you to & want her to be happy. You don’t want to say that because you don’t want them to scold at your sister. You expect her to stand up & tell them the truth. But she wouldn’t. What do you do? You are very nice with her. Only she wouldn’t understand? What would you do?

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You got in trouble for things that are not even your fault. What should you do?unrateddestiny2010-09-04 13:43:40

You are 17 and your sister is 13. Almost everyday you play card games and baby toys with her. You play with her not because you want to but becaus…

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9 replies on “You got in trouble for things that are not even your fault. What should you do?”

I would set a limit to the time you “play” with your sister. If she asks, tell her, “ok, but only for an hour because I have some things I need to do”. THEN, tell you mom the plan: Mom, I’m playing with sis cause she wants some company, but only for an hour. Then I’m going to my friends house. Is that OK??

Be smart and get your sister some new friends. If one of your friends has a kid sister her age, invite them all over and soon she won’t want you to be with her because she has new friends. What do you care if she gets scolded??? She has to grow up too.

That’s very sweet. Maybe you can talk to her about it.If that doesn’t work, let it go, listen ot your parents, your sister will get over it after a while. Maybe make a schedule of once or twice a week when you can have sister time for just the 2 of you and you could paint her nails or something neutrally age appropriate.

tell her to stop being a pain and youa re bored with her games. tell you parents they are being unfair and you need time for yourself and you shouldn’t have to do everything she wants you to do. tell them to play with her and let them see how it feels

Consider yourself lucky that you have a nice little sister.
In my childhood I didn’t have a sister. I used to feel jealous of my friends who had similar looking sisters.
Have patience boy , when she will grow up she will remember all your nice gestures and love you life long.

It sounds to me like you are a “people pleaser” & are afraid to say no to people. You get guilted in to doing things you don’t want to do because you don’t want to hurt others feelings.

You don’t have to do that! You should spend time with your sister, but also make time doing what you want to do & being around friends that have the same interest.

Easier said then done, but start today. Tell your sister you’ll play one game or whatever & stick to it.
She’ll get over & learn not to take advantage of your kindness.
You may in turn find other interests & enjoy doing things with her when it’s not all the time.

Good Luck, you’re a good sister!

I’m impressed how good you write and express yourself. You are afraid to hurt your sister’s feeling by saying no.

We must say no more often, because we want to be happy in our lives, not perfect. Being happy and being perfect are two different things.

We all have our own individuality and must exercises our rights as humans, to be free and have free choice. We must not please others all the time because we lose our own personalities. Your parents know that, but perhaps don’t know how to communicate that effectively.

The best way out of this, is to find a happy medium. You need to play more with your friends and your sister needs to play more with hers. If you or she don’t have any friends, that could be the cause of the problem. Try to find more friends, both you and her.

When people care for each other, they lose some of their independence, but unless you are able to draw a line, you will end up unhappy and the other person happy, and that’s not fair.

Be firm and stand for your rights, otherwise you will have the same problem again with your mate in the future.

It’s okay if your sister cries if you don’t play with her every time, she will get over it. It’s good for her to learn to become independent.

You have a great heart. “Gradually” withdraw yourself, and maybe help her find other interests, like reading books, or playing computer games that require only one person.

Tell your parents that you are playing with your sister doing things that your sister likes to do. Hopefully you do get to go out and be with kids your own age. I really dont see the big deal with any of this.

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