Preschool Learning System Reviews

Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others online?

Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others online?
Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others?
1)Finding someone online you learn about the persons INTERNAL QUALITIES, before the superficial stuff like how they are physically;

it is therefore more honest and fair, as a process.

2) This compares to meeting people in person, where someones’ physique influences the process.

WHY this matters:

Don’t we cheapen other people (not to mention ourselves) when we treat them according to how they are physically?

Do we like it when it happens to us (human worth based on outside physique)? So isn’t it hypocritical to do it to others?

I myself have been on both sides of the fence (and I regrett how I discounted many good women based on how they were on the outside – But I have discovered a greater responsibility to maturity and fairness)

So given the honesty of online dating, as a system were the other person’s true worth shines unhindered, isn’t online meeting actually MORE MATURE and FAIR?

So isn’t online dating undeserving of its negative repute?
People site “Safety”

But actually, in the face-to-face meeting can be done in a safe social setting.

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Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others online?unrateddestiny2010-08-19 11:41:14

Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others online?
Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others?
1)Finding someone onlin…

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9 replies on “Why do people assign a negative stigma to meeting others online?”

I think because of all the bad things that have happened I have seen many times how police have caught evil people trying to get teens to do things with them and there are the ones that are not doing it to meet someone nice and have a great time

I’ve never found it to be true that people feel negatively about meeting someone from the internet. I’ve dated several guys that I met online at dating sites and my current bf was on . . . not everyone is closed minded about it. My family and friends have no problem with it – nor do the people I work with.

i agree totally with you

i think some people have has some bad experiences with it, but, if you are smart and selective you may meet a really great person

i don’t do bars or church so where else do you go?

i met a wonderful man and we have been together for a year now

i totally agree with u, sometimes the person u’ve known for years, is the person stabbing u on ur back, talking all kinda nonsenses about u right when u turn ur back to them. but i guess that people are also right when they say it’s not really good to meet someone online because when u meet some1 online, u can only trust what they say… it is hard to notice what they are lying about, and they could be hypocrite b*tches as well. well, when u meet some1 in person, i think its easier for u to relate to them, u can notice what kinda people they are on the inside.

Well one of the big things is safety. Behind a computer screen a person can be anybody. Look at the number of minors who have been solicited on the internet.

Just so you know internet does not equal honesty. As I stated before you can be whomever you want behind the screen.

I don’t think online meeting is more mature or fair. It is the same as in real life. What if you met someone who you thought had a great personality and than you met them in person. Regardless of how nice they are they don’t attract you physically.

I’ve tried the online dating sites before and they are honestly pretty worthless.

Though meeting someone online is not a completely bad thing. I know several people who have met their significant other online and it has turned out well. My boyfriend and I met in a chat room. We were online friends for a couple of years before we decided to start dating. We have been together for three years and counting. So it has worked out well. As my mom says he stuck around for two years the odds that he’s a psycho is very slim.

But I do have to say safety is the biggest reason why the internet has a negative reputation. If you are safe about it than yes it can be a worthwhile tool to meet people.

I don’t think it should necessarily be given a negative stigma, but meeting people online is not all good.
A person can do a whole lot more lying online than they may be able to get away with in person. There are signs that show up physically when a person’s lying (for exapmly, they may stutter) that just won’t show up when you are typing a sentence. Not to mention a person online get’s to give their answers a whole lot more thought than a person in the flesh, which might actually not be a good thing.
As much as we may not like to admit it, physical appearances do matter to some extent. There are some things that are just a complete turn off for me physically, for example, a person that smells awful, but a person is not just made up of a mind and thoughts, they are also made up of the container, the body, and it is fair in my opinion to have an overall idea of what you are getting.
I think meeting a person physically and online both have their advantages and disadvantages, I don’t necessarily frown on one or the other.

You make a lot of good points and I agree that the internet lets you learn a person’s INTERNAL qualities…because all you can do is talk to them and get to know them…and you can totally get into a person through their personality…which is the way society should be. I think people get weirded out because of all the horror stories about perverts online…also, if they’ve tried it but had bad experiences…like the person didn’t look like what they expected…or they couldn’t act the same face to face…so they just get soured on it. Other people seem to be embarrassed because they see it as a “last resort” to meet people…I hear people say “I gave up on meeting a good person, so I’m online now”. I think if you talk with someone and are clicking, then gradually proceed to talking on the phone, and one day meeting…but remember FACE TO FACE CHEMISTRY/ATTRACTION is key…a photo is a photo…and online is online…but you have to be able to function around each other

I agree with you here. I met someone I really like and has all the qualities I look for in a mate…I offered him my phone number but he never calls…go figure. I dunno why.

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