Baby Toys

How should husband & in-home wife share financial responsibility?

I am a stay home mom w new born. I have strong saving before marry him, but after marry I have no income. My husband have income and strong saving (a little less than me). He take care all the bills and grocery, every month we have $1500 left. But he never let me touch the $1500. He keep it himself as his own saving. He never offer join account and co-card. If we went out together, he pay. He never give me money, I have to pay from my saving for baby doctor visit, my doctor visit, baby toy, gasoline. Some people told me it is not fair because I am no income and in home mom, I should not live on my saving, I should ask him for some money. So I bring it up one time. He said “Why you can’t use little of your money pay for baby?”
I am confuse. Is his expectation right? I should use my saving even we have $1500 left from family income? Is it normal for a husband expect wife to spend from her saving while she have no income?

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How should husband & in-home wife share financial responsibility?unrateddestiny2010-08-17 21:47:49

I am a stay home mom w new born. I have strong saving before marry him, but after marry I have no income. My husband have income and strong saving…

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10 replies on “How should husband & in-home wife share financial responsibility?”

WOW! That’s not right at all!! You are married and everything that’s His is also yours! You should mention having a joint account and explain to him that this is NOT ok!! Be firm about it and let him know that you wont accept this behavior! Dont let him walk all over you!!

You are what we refer to as a “kept woman”.

Let doctor send bill to him. Spend none of your savings for anything.

If he no like – you no sleep with him.

well it’s his money in the first place. he can do what he wants with it. he worked for it, and it is his. if you wanna complain about it get your own job.

i think it’s so annoying how people latch on to their husband and just leech his money. that’s not the purpose of marriage. work for your own end. and if you think about having kids, you both need to equally pay for it’s costs.

I don’t use bad words, so I won’t say what I desire. Okay, lady, are you kidding me? I would not use my savings for a child that we BOTH had. He should pay for all doctor co-pay visits, toys and especially gas. This is not fair at all. So, what you do is tell him that unless he wants to care for the baby in the evening while you get a part-time job to pay for these things, you’d appreciate it if he would give you money for these necessities. He’s being unfair and you should tell him you need at least $200 a month out of the $1,500 (or whatever amount you think you need on a monthly basis.)

Leave. He’s keeping you as a trophy-slave wife. Making you dependent on him only. Having the baby to him seems like it was your fault and at your expense. Your husband doesn’t seem to love you nor the baby. You need to stand up & tell him off, get the money from him for the child. If not then its better leave him, he’ll be broke if you divorce him, get alimoney & child support.

If one person is an at-home parent, the working parent’s money covers all household bills. His behavior is not good.

“ have no INCOME and your using your savings.First of all sit down and talk to him about him paying cost too because the child is both of you and not only yours.

If you have family or anyone you trust tell them and maybe if he gets a threat than he will listen.

“I have the same issues girl with money..i don’t let my man walk all over me.let alone give him booty.

Show him a lesson of his own medicine.He is taking advange of you being so good and not standing up to yourself.

Tell him LISTEN IS OUR CHILD and We are both in it to win and not LOSE..and I won’t touch from my savings because I don’t have ANYMORE..LIE if you have will be a man.

His lucky his not married to me..LOL..

*I work partime and I have a 5yr old and my husband works 14hrs a day and 7 days a week.
*We share cost and I pay the bills and he pays the food/gas and my childs stuff.

*50/50 on each side.He used to be like your husband..Until I told him..Listen is not working and I’m getting tired of this worked something out.Now I get out of my pay check $30 every week for savings that he DOES know and I TOLD him is FOR EMERGENCY ONLY.

Until this day..I don’t get anymore from savings.

I hope his not planning on to leave you or something why is he saving all that money for? when he should be helping ask him for real..

let me know what happens.

have a good day.

He is being very selfish. You should not have to use your savings to pay for things for yourself and the baby. If he has 1500 dollars a month, he should be letting you have some of it. Your savings are supposed to be for emergencies, like if he loses his job or something, or for your old age or your children’s education or something. he is being totally unfair. Tell him you need a regular allowance to pay for essential things like doctors visits, gasoline, baby toys etc. He should not be making you pay for these things out of your savings, that is totally wrong. He should be giving you half of whatever is left over, which would be $750. Or you might settle for $500 at a pinch. But don’t take a cent less than that.

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