Preschool Learning System Reviews

Is it possible to love man and women but not love what they do?

I do not agree gays and there ways but someone here thinks I do.
I just hate the fact that the school system has allowed this gay is okay crap to enter into it.
School is for math and spelling and science and gym, why do they have to theach this shit in school?
Learn it where I learned it, by friends.
Also to psychology…almost all of the gay ppl I know are bitter like you, why is that, let me guess because of ppl like me, right?
Sorry but ppl like me arent the reason you hated yourself as a child, it was because you knew it wasnt normal!

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Is it possible to love man and women but not love what they do?unrateddestiny2010-08-07 03:39:37

I do not agree gays and there ways but someone here thinks I do.
I just hate the fact that the school system has allowed this gay is okay crap to …

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9 replies on “Is it possible to love man and women but not love what they do?”

i agree. i dont thing gay/lesbo is right. thats why God gave men a penis and women a vagina because it goes together

NO, I’m sorry, but it is not wrong to Love anyone. Man-Man, Man-Woman, or Woman-Woman.

It’s perfectly natural. I’m no bitter then any other minority.
And it is because of people who show no tolerence for thier fellow man that makes people bitter.

And if they are teaching it in schools then they are doing a poor job of it or you are not listening. Because you oviously do not understand that people hate themselves as children NOT because THEY know it’s wrong, but becasue others THINK it’s wrong.

So you oviously understand that people know from childhood that they are gay or not. So, how can you hate someone for being true to themseleves?

Do you hate people of other races as well?
Or people who date outside thier race? Cause you know some people think that’s wrong too.

Love is love no matter where it comes from and this world would be alot better place to live in if people let go of thier hate and just let people be themselves!

Because a person is gay does NOT affect you in any way. It affects them, so why is it that you have an opinion about it? You do not know how it feels to have a feeling so strong inside you that you are just not the same as others. And then when you are through pretending that you are Hetero and that you are “normal” people like you treat them like they CHOOSE this for themselves.

I do not know one gay person that CHOOSE to be gay! Stop being so self-righteous and learn to love yourself and find something better to do then put others down.

Hate breeds more hate and with the predjudice minds of this world, it seems that there is just not enough room in your hardend heart for a little love, understanding and acceptance.

AND, if you are a Christian…Christ is love and loves all creatures no matter what thier color, sexual orientation, height, weight, or sex…WWJD?! And you are showing a very bad example of Christian love and acceptance. Love the person, not thier sexual preference!!!!!!

I am a teacher and where we are we can not talk about the word gay even if children ask us. There would be serious repricusions if we did. If a child is having problems dealing with their parent who is gay and comes to us to talk about it, contractually, we are to avoid the issue and refer them to a family psycholofist.
Don’t blame it on the schools and get your facts straight….so to speak.

I think you should maybe seek so professional help, you obviously have some issues that revolve around gay people.
The amount of anti-gay questions you ask is to say the least ridiculous.
Loose the hate and embrace the love.

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