Personal Product and Site Reviews

Dora or Diego Learning Toys: Does it have to be a choice?

Both my toddler and I love Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go! Both are children’s TV shows featured on Nickelodeon, an American cable television channel geared for children. An incident in my local pharmacy the other day got me thinking about the gender divide in our country. I was looking for a new set […]

Product and Site Reviews Research and Trends

Potty Training Help

Potty Train Your Toddler Today!
While Destiny Baby has not yet completely mastered the potty, he has made valiant efforts (more so to unravel all of the tissue paper roll than to actually use the thing, but still.) Given that he has successfully used the toilet from time to time, albeit inconsistently, we have finally resolved […]

Product and Site Reviews Research and Trends

Another ABC learning video

If you are looking for an online educational video resource for teaching your child ABCs and Phonics, here is a video posted by a YouTuber called “Let’s Talk.” featuring a costumed character called “Puppy Dog.” The character is a human dressed in a giant puppy suit interacting with computer animated wide-eyed kids. The best parts […]